Wednesday: 10:00-5:30 Thursday: 10:00-5:30
Friday: 10:00-5:30 Saturday: 10:00-4:00
339 Main Street, Fort Fairfield, Maine 04742
207-472-3880 - library@fortfairfield.org
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"Uncle Jesse with his yellow vest and brass buttons" -
Centennial Pageant of
Fort Fairfield, Maine - 1916

Albion Harris Bicknell
"Jesse Drew"
In 1925 the Fort Fairfield Public Library was gifted a large collection of Civil War and Maine historical books by Col. Franklin M. Drew in memory of his father Jesse Drew. This collection has been continuously added to over the years to give us the fantastic collection we now have. Many of our items are not available anywhere else in Maine or the northeast. The collection includes specific Fort Fairfield family history, vital records, genealogies and cemetery records, as well as vital records from around the state of Maine. We also have many items releated to New Brunswick, Canada family history and genealogy.
Come visit us to research from this collection.

Click on book covers to find our more information about the books shown.

We were graciously given a digitzed film of the 1936 Winter Carnival from the Maine Ski and Snowboard Museum. We can't thank them enough for sharing this priceless glimpse into our past and allowing us to add it to our historical collection. It's amazing to see our town and citizens from that time era. The downhill ski slope was located across the Aroostook river, down the road a bit from the St. Denis Catholic Cemetery. You can see the river and town at the very top of the film. If anyone can provide definitive identification of individuals featured in the film, we would love to speak with you. There is about a minute of dead space at the beginning of the film, please have patience or skip to :56 in the video. Enjoy!